With new bike lanes popping up all over the Tampa Bay area, let's take a look at what the next step in auto/bike integration might look like. Similar to the painted crossover lanes in some parts of Pinellas County, Portland has begun coloring Bike Boxes in front of traffic to better allow cyclists to make left turns.
I say coloring because the lanes are not painted. A special adhesive is applied to the roadway, then a colored material called PreMark is applied and burned into the surface. It offers a non-slip grip for cyclists and is much more durable.
BikePortland.org says initial observations indicate cars are stopping in the appropriate area.
While it is encouraging to see these steps, I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing something like this in Tampa Bay. Portland drivers are much more accustomed to seeing cyclists on the roads. Think anyone would follow these signs here? I don't.
It should also be pointed out that the most cycling accidents are the result of the Right Hook and the Left Cross, neither of which is protected by these boxes. However the green does raise cyclists' visibility and legitimacy on the road.
[via BikePortland.org]